A notebook or perhaps a Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik, there appears to confusion with regards to what is a notebook. Whereas netbooks have only been developed within the last year or two, notebooks have been around for a while now and so are in a few ways identical to that of a laptop. The word laptop and notebook is frequently used as synonyms for each other.
The phrase notebook first came about in 1989 when describing laptops which were size of an A4 paper notebook. NEC and Acer development of notebooks had made them recognition with the wider world. Laptops are believed to be bigger, wider and thicker because they either have to easily fit into extra components, a more substantial screen or increasing the airflow allowing the powerful processors to stay cool.
A notebook was referred to as a smaller laptop that mainly used by people or students. This is because of the lighter size and weight of the device and being better to carry around. Because of the smaller size of a notebook, it really is less powerful than a laptop. A notebook is ideal to work along with a pc however, not to be replaced by them. In today? s market notebooks are developed in various sizes which includes made them look and feel like a laptop. With an increase of expensive laptops claiming that they can do all sort of things that most desktops can do, you then easily purchased a less powerful but more streamlined notebooks.
Notebooks are sort of among a netbook and laptop with regards to their computing power and how they are used. Netbooks have become portable and so are much cheaper whereas a notebook has been made to do every task that laptop or perhaps a desktop could do. With laptops and notebooks now becoming nearly the same as one another we may soon note that there is no difference between them at all.
But one difference that does make the notebook stand out from the laptop is a touchscreen capabilities. Notebooks are now made with built-in touchscreen whereas as laptops have the facility for touchscreen support but is currently confined to notebooks.
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Ardhika Lutfi Nugraha
Senin, 20 Februari 2012
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